
Channeling is an ability everyone has and everyone does it, including you. Think of the last time you had an idea or created some art, music, or writing. Better yet, think about the last time a friend of yours popped into your mind and then suddenly they call or you run into them at the store. That is channeling and you do it all the time! This workshop will take the skill that you already have and magnify it. The exercises you will learn will help you to increase your awareness to the channeling you already do and make it more powerful. Throughout the workshop you will practice the simple foundational tools and channel with others one on one, building your confidence. At the end of the class you will be ready to use your channeling abilities in your everyday life to improve your job, increase your awareness, guide you to better decisions and even use it to heal emotional trauma.

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Al has spent the last 22 years motivating and changing people's lives. His teachings and wisdom have spanned the globe. He has quietly been coaching many high level CEO’s and fortune 500 companies, as well as professional athletes. He has mastered techniques that teach people how to train the brain to perform better. As an expert on Emotional Intelligence, he uses a personal approach to guiding people through conflict, overcoming challenges, business clarity, effective decision making, and becoming self motivated. Al delivers corporate training programs, one-on-one coaching sessions and large speaking engagements. 

The results speak for themselves as the work that Al has done with his clients has led him to be written about in two books, interviewed on nationally syndicated television, and filmed in a documentary. 

He attributes all of his success to the spiritual wisdom he has gained over the years from his personal teacher and many other spiritual guides including shamans and monks. Now, he spends time sharing his teachings all around the world helping others through the simplicity of his work. His philosophy is to bring empowerment into the normalcy of life. His system is designed to teach people how to actually teach themselves to heal their mind and body. Al believes that everyone is their own teacher/guru.